Let me tell you about Southbank Investment Research…

And why we are making Trading Triggers free to view

Paolo Cabrelli

Paolo Cabrelli
Publisher – Southbank Investment Research

Southbank Investment Research is like a private intelligence network with a simple but profound mission…

To find alternative ways to grow your money. Pinpoint opportunities you won't hear about from mainstream sources. And share ideas that could change your life for the better.

We exist to provide you with the financial intelligence you need to make the most of your money.

And we’re proud to share alternative ideas because we know that these are the kinds of ideas and strategies that change people's lives.

The kind normally off limits to the private investor, and the man on the street. Stripped of jargon and brought down to Earth.

Trigger Point Trader fits perfectly into our mission. It’s the first of its kind of service we’ve ever offered our readers. In fact, it’s the first of its kind in the UK that we know of.

It marks the culmination of what we are trying to achieve for our readers:

Confident control of your own wealth. Another weapon in your arsenal to give you an advantage over other investors.

Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.

So we think everyone should know about it. Tune in to this free-to-air 4-part trading tutorial, open until August 25th and you will walk away with a simple strategy you can use to target big returns in the markets.

Eoin’s strategy works when markets are going down. When they are going sideways. And of course, when they are going up.

And a solid understanding of the proven principles behind it will empower you as an investor.

Here are the THREE fundamentals the research you find at Southbank are built on.


Anyone who finds our work already knows this in their gut. We’re not money managers. We’re publishers. We’re not taking your money and managing it (dependence), we’re giving you the tools you need to independently manage it for yourself.

This matters. It matters a hell of a lot. And not just because by taking charge of your own finances – or as much of them as you can – will likely lead to better investment outcome.

Taking control and responsibility of your own life doesn’t imply you don’t care about other people. Wanting to solve your own problems doesn’t mean you don’t care about other people. But cherishing independence instead of seeking dependence leads to better investments and better outcomes.


The trend towards censorship and suppression of free speech is terrifying. It doesn’t matter if it’s Google de-platforming people, mainstream media branding ideas that don’t fit a narrow worldview as ‘populism’, or university students seeking to silence speakers they don’t agree with. At its roots it’s all groupthink. It all risks letting other people tell you what you can and can’t think. And you have to fight it. 

There are very practical investment implications of that idea too.

Groupthink is the reason most people are incapable of buying at the bottom and selling at the top. In fact they do the opposite. They ignore assets when they’re cheap, hated and ignored and buy them when they’re at the top, when everyone else is buying. That’s groupthink in action again. It’s emotional, group-led investing, instead of rational, individual action.

It’s why Southbank Investment Research will never have a ‘house-view’ – the risk of that becoming infected by groupthink is just too high. Better to have a range of competing viewpoints – at the very least, it keeps everyone honest and thinking critically. At best, it protects you (the reader) from slipping into groupthink.


Efficient market theorists tell you that the reason most investors don’t beat the market is because markets are always perfectly priced. In this model, anyone that does beat the market is just lucky.

The same goes when people analyse politics, technology and other world events. Very few people saw the global financial crisis coming. Therefore anyone who did must have been lucky. It was random!

The same goes for ‘Black Swan’ events like the election of Donald Trump. Most people didn’t forecast it. Only a few people took it seriously enough to see what was happening. Luck, again.

In truth? This simply isn’t the case.

If some people beat the market consistently, it’s worth understanding how that’s possible, rather than deciding it was random. The same goes for major world events like the financial crisis. How come some people saw it coming when most didn’t?

It comes down to a willingness to think critically – and to seek the truth. There were people out there in 2005 and 2006 who were highlighting the fact that the US housing market was creating dangerous fragility (Dan Denning, founder of Southbank Investment Research was one of them).

The problem wasn’t that no one saw it coming. It was the fact that the people who did were ignored, marginalised or branded ‘scaremongers’ by the mainstream. You have to be willing to seek the truth – seek ideas on the fringe people have discounted. You may run the risk of looking stupid in the short term.

But in the long term… truth seekers win.

That’s why we work with the very best of the best financial thinkers, writers and analysts.

Please go through all of the carefully put together videos and material on this site as soon as you can. It’s designed to help you hit the ground running by the time we close the Trading Triggers tutorial series at on Friday, August 25th.

If you aren’t familiar with Eoin Treacy and his work, please take a look at this short video we have made. I think you’ll see why he fits into Southbank so well.

Many thanks,

Paolo Cabrelli
Publisher, Southbank Investment Research

The “Trading Triggers” 4-day Tutorial is educational material for general information only. It should not be considered as investment advice.

Your capital is at risk when you invest in shares, never risk more than you can afford to lose. Trigger Point Trader is issued by Southbank Investment Research Limited. Registered in England and Wales No 9539630. VAT No GB629 7287 94. Registered Office: 2nd Floor Crowne House, 56-58 Southwark Street, London SE1 1UN.Southbank Investment Research Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No 706697. https://register.fca.org.uk/.

© 2022 Southbank Investment Research Ltd.